the Black Swan and the Dessert Wolf Totems

So totems come in and out of our lives as they are needed to assist us by sharing what they do in life.  Strengths , weaknesses and how they approach different things in life. We can learn so much from nature if we open our hearts and eyes to it. From the smallest to the largest… they all show us purpose and meaning,

The Black Swan brings us from the shadows to tell you that we all are unique and different, and sometimes it is that uniqueness that makes us stand apart from others. So today is the day to shine and let people see the different in you but in positives, in healthy ways, productive ways. So Today… stand in Sacred, stand in Beauty!

The Black Swan represents mystery and the unknown. It represents something that is alluring, perhaps even forbidden. They remind us that there are two sides to all things, the Yin and Yang, black and white, polar opposites. They remind us to remember to know that dark side in order to balance the light within.

Black Swans help us to hone and strengthen our intuitive abilities and altered states of awareness. Bringing with them knowledge of new ways of thinking, breathing and teaching us to move with the flow of life for there is reason behind that flow.

Wherever the Black Swan appears expect unexpected and unpredictable and be prepared for what will follow. The Black Swan does not mean good or bad, it is about paying attention as events unfold… events that seldom occur or have never occurred in our life prior.

They bring in the subtleties of life to our attention. Causing us to use the intuition we have to better understand our feelings and process them in a healthy way. The Swan itself teaches us grace through movement and longevity through inner knowledge. They remind us to look at the beauty of life, even in the darkness to see that ALL life is indeed Sacred

Desert Wolf also known as Coyote, as trickster, comes to us this day to share its wisdom’s, teaching us that it is sometimes a good thing to laugh at oneself in order to not get caught up in the pain that sometimes comes with life choices and lessons. It is about finding the balance of learning what life teaches and has to share, and when it is time to relax, enjoy and have some fun.

Desert Wolf teaches us to be stealth and observe what we need to see, opening our senses to see the bigger picture of a situation. They speak of using distraction to change outcomes to more positive ones, by utilizing intelligence and good common sense, which often many do not take the time to stop and remember. One of the most amazing skills they offer us is the use of voice and communication to let ourselves be heard, but to also warn that at times, when people use their voices it can be for hidden agenda’s that will not be in positive tones. So pay attention, listen closely so that you may understand and decipher what it is that is actually being said and stay adaptable to what must be done in the situation.

Desert Wolf tells us above all make sure we look at our own self, walk in positives not in deceptive or manipulative ways to get what you want. Look at what truly is motivating you, be honest with self and then stand in the Sacred Hoop to balance. Remembering what you do to respect self, will mirror to the world around you.

So open to the World around you and see all that Nature offers us. A harmonious balance of life and energies.

Blessings to you all!

~ bear Medicinewalker

Catch me on Tuesdays Streaming Readings on social Media…


the Raven Bowls and A little Hummingbird Joy!

These are the latest bowls I have finished!  You can check them out and the other bowls in the collection in my Emporium at

I hope you can enjoy them as Much as I did Making them!

Hummingbird Joy” this one is one of my favorites.  I don’t usually have favorites, but this one simply sang to me!  So it is indeed looking for Someone Special to bless their home! Glazed in detail and Humming all the time with Energy!

Price $200 plus insurance and shipping 

Blessings” the Earthy colors of oranges and Yellows blend as the Raven sits to remind us that Life is what we make of it. To be aware of all the Blessings we receive and Give to others in our Lifetime. Ready to find it’s new Home!

$200.. plus shipping and insurance   

Cherokee Legend of the Cedar Trees

legend of the cedar

A long time ago when the Cherokee People were new upon the Earth, they decided that life would be much better if night time did not exist. They prayed and offered smoke to the Ouga (Creator) that daylight would stay all the time and darkens would no longer exist. Creator heard their voices and agreed to release Grandmother Moon and her blanket of nighttime from its task. Father Sun rose and stayed focused shedding light in the sky from that point on.

Soon, the forests grew and were thick with heavy growth. It became difficult to walk and to find the pathways from village to village, home to home. The people worked in the gardens hours at a time trying to keep the weeds pulled so they would not over grow and smother the corn and other food plants. It became extremely hot never letting up from day to day. Soon it became very difficult to sleep which caused the people to become restless, short tempered and to begin arguing over small and insignificant things.

Not many days had passed before the People came to realize that they had made a mistake. They began to pray to the Creator. “Please, we have made a mistake in asking for continuous sunlight. Now we think that perhaps it should be night all the time.”

The Creator pondered on what had been asked and thought about how all things had been created in two’s to keep the balance… day and night, life and death, good and evil, times of plenty and those times of famine. However Creator loved the people and decided to give them once again what they asked for. He asked Father Sun to rest and Grandmother Moon to return.

So from that point daytime ceased and nighttime’s blanket fell upon the Earth. Soon, the crops stopped growing and it became very cold. The people spent their time gathering wood for the fires trying to stay warm. They could not see to hunt meat and with no crops growing soon people were cold, weak, and very hungry, and many of died.

Once again they gathered and prayed to the Creator. “Help us Creator, we have made a terrible mistake. What you once created was perfect and as it should be, from the beginning. Please forgive us and make the day and night as it was before.”

Once again the Creator listened to the request of the people and soon day and the night became, as the people had asked, as it had been in the beginning. Each day was divided between light and darkness. The weather became more pleasant, and the crops began to grow again. Game was plentiful and the hunting was good. The people had plenty of food and there was little illness. Once again the people treated each other with compassion and respect. It was good to be alive.

The people gathered, thanking Creator for their lives and for all that was Sacred.

Creator accepted the gratitude, however, during the time of the long days of night, many of the people had died, and the Creator wanted the people to have a reminder of this time and the people that were lost. So Creator placed their Spirits in a newly created tree. And named the tree a-tsi-na tlu-gv {ah-see-na loo-guh} or Cedar tree.

So when you smell the aroma of the Cedars or gaze upon them as they stand strong among the forests, remember you are looking upon our Ancestors, and offer them thanks and tobacco.

It is the belief to this day that the wood of the great Cedar tree holds the Spirits of the Ancestors. Many carry a small piece of cedar wood in their medicine bags worn around the neck. It is also placed above the entrances to the house to protect against the entry of evil spirits, even some of our traditional drums are made from the Great Cedars…the Spirits of our Ancestors.


bear Medicinewalker

#bearmedicinewalker #Spiritual #thewolfandthebearnetwork

  • Catch me on Ghost Dimension Reading Stream  every Tuesday and Wednesdays with Holly Jenkins and I on Spiritually Paranormal!

Today I share Ancient Wisdoms

We are more than just a simple being, we are an accumulation of bloodlines that reach back into time and before time.  With each lifetime of experiences having been stitched into our very DNA. Memories of lifetimes that assist us to continue walking the paths we choose to walk.  How to unlock it all? Simple, we need to allow our souls to open to what was and what can be.

They are memories and events that keep us all moving forward through the good, the not so good and the indifferent. We are observers of the life that takes shape around us.  We all have free choice and will, so we should choose wisely. Our very souls will resonate whether it is something we should be stepping into or something we should not.  Feel that intuition, that preexisting knowledge that each of us have at birth. Each moment we are adding to that collective of generational experiences.

We are followed by our past shadows of life; all we need to do is allow the spark to ignite and spread like wildfire pulsing through our souls. Our Ancestors lived before us, each making it an imprint for us to become stronger, more aware so we can indeed live our best life possible.


~ bear Medicinewalker


Day of the Full Buck Moon

The Buck Moon is the first full moon of July. It’s considered as the full moon that marks that Summer is here.  The Buck Moon represents the antlers having fully grown and velvet for the most part is off.  It also  signifies that everything is close to reaching its halfway mark with growth.  Ever hear of knee high by the 4th of July? That means growth and the Corn should be well on it’s way to full  growth and harvest.  However here in Michigan the corn is below that mark due to the weather changes (Drought) and a late start of the earths seasons.

Deer in general teaches us how to listen to our “Higher Self”  helping us to find the best steps to walk here in the human.  Within Native American culture,  Deer represent the quest for a successful hunt, but only if we hunt no more than what we need.  They are  sacred, and are also  caretakers of the Great Mother Earth..

They are also  messengers who offer peace and calm to situations, urging us all to connect with our higher spiritual selves in order to find balance and strength.  The Buck also represents renewal and regeneration.  Bringing a new beginning, or opportunity to begin again with the next chapter, enabling us  to write our own stories.

This  particular Full Buck Moon will also be a Super Moon which means it is at the closest point to the Earth bringing with it the healing energies and empowerment for each of us  to utilize the rest of this year.  It is also the beginning of the Four Super Moons that will rise to the sky in the next few months,  July’s Buck Moon tonight (July 3) works to prepare for the next one in September’s Full Corn Moon September 28th 2023.

I am looking forward to tonight as it rises within Capricorn… as I am a Capricorn I urge all of us born within the Capricorn sign… Empower yourself,  charge those gems, crystals, say prayers and tell the Universe we want to be in perfect balance with life here on the Great Mother!

Blessings of today to all.

~bear Medicinewalker



The Story Of the Black Corn Woman as shared by bear Medicinewalker

There is so much violence in the world that often people find themselves caught up in it and in this process they loose themselves. By that I mean they get lost deep inside, pushed their by fear and loss of self worth.

The lesson of self Love is a tough one for victims of abuse, assault but part of the process and in order to allow healing to begin, we often have to release and find self acceptance again. To learn to Love self, one of the hardest lessons many of us have to learn.

The following is a story I was told long ago, and the lesson within is strong. I hope that all those that need to read and understand the lesson do, and understand there is no judgement involved in our own lives that is harsher than self judgement. Love begins with Self….

There once was a woman called Black Corn. She lived in a village that was surrounded by amazing beauty. It was plain to see everywhere, in the forest, in the plains, in the sky above and upon the earth below. Black Corn herself was extremely tall, in fact she was taller than all of the other women of her village, and truth be told she was taller than most of the men as well. She was very strong yet fair to see. however within her was hidden deeper darker emotions that were filled with discontent, doubt, anger and more than is healthy for people to live with day to day.

Black Corn was very unhappy. Her heart was filled with love yet could not seem to find the one to give it to. All she wanted was to love someone and have someone love her in return. She loved her family and people of the village dearly and did all she could for them, even to the point of sacrificing her own wants to help others. Many Gifts she had been given by Creator, but could not seem to find them when she needed them the most. Others laughed at her for things she did not understand and in turn began believing in what was being said about her. At first with doubt, then willingly that the lies and the actions were deserved.

When she looked upon her reflection in the surface of the water, she would think about all the negatives that had been spoken to her, “you are too direct, too tall, too strong, you show too much passion, too much love, too much everything, and no one wants what you have to give!” Yet the love she held inside for all the People was full to bursting within her heart and all she wanted was someone who would accept her love, for the People to accept her and love her for who she was.

Despair and heartache filled her until one day she awoke as if in a dream, “Why is it this way? What did I do that was so awful that I should be treated in this manner?” She sat looking deep inside for an answer to these questions. She went beyond all of the hurt, all of the pain that had been put upon her, past the men who had used her without her consent breaking her spirit. So many judgments had been passed on her but none so harsh as what she had passed upon herself. The deeper she looked, the uglier it became until it rose to rage! But soon she realized that this too was illusion. The anger, the rage was all self deception, a shield she had put in place in order to protect herself from what laid within.

Soon she decided that no longer would she hide behind the rage and the sorrow that she had held onto over the years and it washed over her like a tidal wave as she stood defenseless in its path. She no longer had the strength to fight it, no shield to protect her any longer. Out she ran into the forest, hearing the tiny voice inside screaming in agony, dying, dying, dying, wanting to scream out loud, knowing that all she had ever felt she was that she was slowly dying a painful death. Finally she cried out clutching at the pain in her chest, willing herself to slip away. She screamed out in pain and agony, begging for Creator to take her away from this pain.

“Creator, please I can not bear this life, this pain any more for it is simply too much, Please, please, take me home, please let me have peace!” And when she had finished crying out these words and prayers all of the ugliness that was inside her had been given voice, a sound so awful to hear that not even the creatures made a sound out of respect for her pain. She laid down on the forest floor allowing it to wrap around her body as her very soul felt as though it had been ripped open lying before the Creator. It was at that moment she finally saw the truth.

It began when she was 7 summers old; she would go into the forest to play and one day a strange man came upon her and began to speak with her. His words were intriguing and he spoke of grown-up things that she liked to hear about. Eventually this stranger seduced her as a child, and as a child, not knowing any better, had allowed it. Many years would pass before Black Corn realized what had been done to her, and when she did realize, she issued a judgment so severe upon herself that she began to believe that she was unworthy of love. She lost all respect for herself and, indeed, this is what she projected unknowingly to everyone she came into contact with. The voices of the others that would taunt her were really reflections of her own voice within that she could not, until now, listen to.

In that moment laying on the forest floor, she began to see with clarity what was that made the People treat her as they were, and with that knowing, she began to cry, heart wrenching cries that tore at the very fabric of her soul and thus began the cleansing process from within. She found that while she had forgiven that strange man his trespass against her, placing blame on herself and creating in a fantasy in her mind that she had been the victim, all the while feeling the guilt of the participant. There had been one other who had used her in this fashion, a relative, who did not know of the first stranger. But by then, the damage to her soul had been done and, while not realizing why it was so, she allowed herself to be degraded even more by this second man. After that, there was no room for self-respect or self love, feeling as she did that she was unworthy for the things she had done.

After the sobbing had subsided, Black Corn began to feel differently, having accepted everything that was ugly inside of her, she began to heal. Finally, after all of these years it was released. It took a long time, but finally she was able to understand and began to love herself as well as forgive those who took her unfairly and in bad faith, took her innocence and made something ugly out of it. With all that was released there was now room for love to enter and fill her soul. All of the love she wanted to give the People was the love that she had been denying herself. Once she could learn to love herself and accept herself, she could also love the People much more than she ever thought possible, and the People rejoiced! For they had always loved Black Corn, but because she did not love herself she could not see this and probably never would have if she had not asked herself “why am I being treated this way?”

The answer was within her all the time….Love…Love of Self. This was Creator’s answer to her prayers.

I offer prayer for all those that are victims of abuse and violence, that they too shall find Love in the souls for themselves and that the shame, the unforgiving emotions that they place upon themselves are released and replaced with the knowing that they too are loved and worthy of love. Enabling them to move to more positive places within their lives.

Blessings to All

~ bear Medicinewalker

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