Walks with Bears brings in strong Sacred Insight for us All today… Speaking to All Humankind that we all must understand we are but guests on this journey we walk. We must bring about the changes needed within ourselves to set examples for others to follow.
They ask us … do any of you understand that we are also a gift upon this planet. We have been given the duty from birth to care foe not only each other but the Creatures large and small, the plants, waters, earth as well. We must not forget this as it will effect everything, it is truly a life cycle all dependent on another. This is how it is meant to be.
So help it to survive by taking a hard look at yourselves and seeing what we can do better, should do better, will do better as we walk side by side with each other. Walks With Bears is the symbol of Hope for around the world. They are a symbol of strength, nurturing, adaptation and being. They help cycles finish and begin anew. They add insight ad strength by showing us that Bears are mighty yet so are the Bee’s. All part of the same story, but each having a different purpose. A lesson we all can learn from. So Open to new possibilities that have been set in motion from the time you were conceived. Be part of showing that we can all coexist on a planet that has wonderous and amazing things. Be part of THAT cycle, journey, purpose and help to balance again.
Blessings to You All…
~ bear