Spiritual and Totem Insights Tobacco

So today the card that drops in the seventh spot is Tobacco! Today is about the Blessings we receive and more importantly the Blessings we share. Yes you read that correctly, the Blessings we share with others. In order to attain balance in our lives we must always remember the balance is all about giving to the life around us.

We continually take from the Great Mother Earth and she gives freely. But we must also return her Blessings for looking out for the next seven generations to come. Tobacco is a way that many cultures use as offering the thanks for all we have in our lives, and sometimes we simply have to make ourselves a little more aware. We all need to focus on the positives and stop feeding the negatives. Why waist the energy?

This is something I have actually watched as it expands. People constantly sniping at others that have made negative remarks, acted in a negative way… and yet what people often do is to respond negatively back. Thus we are wasting energy and feeding the negatives. Ignore them and save the energy for something more worthy. I say this because feeding the negatives cause us to go sorta dark, or depressed, angry and leads us to put out more negatives. Just let it go it is not worth spending your energy, it’s a waste that depletes positives from our lives in acting out towards negativity..

Tobacco works with our minds, in order to clear the negative thoughts and replace them with thanks for all the blessings in our lives.

Tobacco is the sacred herb of the East, the direction of Grandfather Sun, Eagle, and the Creator. We send our prayers up in its smoke, and Eagle takes them to the Creator. Tobacco is sacred, therefore it is to be respected and comes with responsibility to use it properly. It is both a powerful tool of healing and honoring our spirit and our Ancestors that walked before us.

The Anishinaabe use a form of Tobacco known as kinikinik, or a red willow mix. Because it opens the door to the Creator, When Tobacco is used to make smoke, it is one of the most sacred of plants for Native people. Tobacco is also one of the four sacred plants. It represents the Eastern Direction and the mind.

The Elders say that tobacco is used to connect the Spirit World as the plant’s very roots penetrate deeply into the the Great Mother Earth, and its smoke rises high into the sky to reach the Creator’s gaze. This plant is highly respected and highly honored. The gifting of tobacco is a beautiful way the people show respect and honor to others. Ceremonies using tobacco invokes a connection to universal energies and to the Creator, a connection made between earthly and spiritual realms is to be considered sacred.

Prayer, Offerings, Purification and Respect… remember these for meanings as you use the Sacred Tobacco plant.

Blessings of the Day and Beyond to you All!
~ bear

Earth dance by Chris Ferree and available at

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