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Spiritual and Totem Insights the Bat

The energy has shifted once again as the Bat steps into the seventh card today, but in a positive way. It’s like opening the windows in the house to catch the summer breezes. Pushing out the Old and bringing in the New. Bat advises to allow that new energy to refresh all your senses and feel what it is to simply feel free.

Sometimes we attract all sorts of energies unknowingly and they cling to us like wet tar, grasping at us to hold us in a space of being unable to move forward. So listen to your minds eye, your gut and feel that Creator God and the Universe have said new day… new dawn… so become what you need to be today without restriction.!

Bat brings us teachings of perception. It is time to listen to what is not being said. To hear the truth of things, rather than what we may want to believe or what we may mask behind darkness and fear.

We all have an inner voice and we should learn to listen to it, it was given to us for many reasons one of them to help us find balance as we walk the human. Bats teach us to use our other senses to tune in seeing more than just what is seen by our eyes, giving us an advantage and opportunity to be able to walk ahead equipped with all the knowledge we need to be more positive and attain our goals.

Be open and let go of the fear we tend to hold on as change approaches us, the new things that we will allow in doing so will help us to fulfill our dreams and goals. Bat also brings with it the EGO and tells you to set it down so that spiritually you can grow and evolve in all ways that will help you balance within your Sacred Hoop.

Bury and release old habits, old possessions, things that no longer serve for the highest good, and be re birthed into a new knowing and understanding that will not only help to heal yourself but assist you in becoming a better human as you walk your path with all life that is sacred around you.

May you all have a Blessed Day!
~ bear

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