Spiritual and Totem Insights for July 14 2020 – the Elemental Water

It was funny to me this morning as I picked up the Deck and shuffled I said to myself it will be an Elemental, and sure enough the 7th card that faced me this morning was the Elemental Water!  So as I sat with it what was shared is it will be a day where emotions run up and down, in and out much like a roller coaster. So we must take the opportunity to channel it in the proper fashion. If we can manage to stop for a moment that emotional ride will get better with each breath and work to our advantage.

Water shares instead of feeling like a tsunami hit us, allow the Elemental to work with you not against you and it will wash the anxiety and discord away from your mind and body. Remember that as Humans our bodies are made up of 60% water, including our brains and heart are composed of 73% water, our the lungs are about 83% water. Our skin contains 64% water, muscles and kidneys are 79%, and even the bones are watery weighing in at 31% water. So why not use what we are… the Elemental Water!

Water needs to be replenished as we use it, so remember to feed yourself a constant flow of positives and fresh ideas…we are what we make of ourselves, so why not be that best version of ourselves!

Water is all about cleansing. It brings with it fluid dream states, healing powers, fluidity within our lives, regeneration and rebirth, changes that are needed within and without our Sacred Circles and the process of unconditional love for self and others.

Water is attached with Autumn the time of death and rebirth. Water is also associated with the direction of the West. Water relates to our feminine sides, Water also represents emotions and our subconscious minds, or going within. It works with our psychic abilities and will assist in the magical world with spells utilizing mirrors.

Water is strength…so learn to harness it as it takes up 65% of our human selves… Harness it… refresh it… renew your souls with it…!

It is not enough merely to teach the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories… WE All need to become proactive in saving our planet, the creatures that live upon it, and each other

Blessings to You ALL,

~ bear Medicinewalker and a Little bird named “Pip”

Music provided to theWolfandthebearNetwork@2020 by Jonny Lipford and is available at Itunes and https://www.jonnylipfordmusic.com/


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