Something most people do not know about me is that ever since I was a child, I have worked with model kits of all sorts but mostly figures… toy soldiers and historical figures. I also create dioramas to set them in. All from scratch as my Grandfather taught me by example, you see it was one of the most magical things he could have ever shared with me as a child. It was a window into the past and history. It was a way to make things come alive. Little did he know he would influence me through this for the rest of my life. I have a passion for history, love to hear and learn back stories of people and events, and it is also the way I learned to sculpt and paint.
My Grandfather was an avid model hobbyist that created most of his pieces from scratch. He had toy miniatures of soldiers, horses, fireman, fisherman just to name a few. He collected them and hand painted them. He would create scenes for them to be displayed in… even railroad trains in towns. It was a thing back in the day, something that is long becoming a lost art I suppose, I even recall one of my early memories of my Uncle and walking down into his basement with my dad at one time and seeing the vast display of the wild west he had there all set in period work. It was amazing and let a person’s imagination run rampant. So it is no surprise I suppose that I love doing the same… creating and putting together kits from history to tell a story with them, To remind myself and those that see them of snapshots from history.
I have had plenty of time on my hands since my surgery on my spine last July as it has been a journey through healing to say the least, so I have actually gotten back to painting and creating some of the kits I have gotten over the years but never seemed to make time to work on. Still I was surprised last night when I heard remember the book Indian in a Cupboard? I thought of course I do one of my favorite book series ever, (and I discovered them as an adult) loved them all and then they came out with the movie I was thrilled. It was toy miniatures that come to life and teach children about life, well the stories also teach us all about life. Who could resist that right? It brings out the kid in us all… toys that come to life! (This was also way before Toy Story)
So why the story today, well you see I have been working on some historical pieces and thinking about what do we really know about history other than what was written by people in control at the time right? So when I begin working on a Civil War Soldier I can’t help but wonder what it must have been like fighting against possibly friends or family members… how scared and frightened soldiers must have felt running through smoke filled battle fields of WWI or WWII or other wars. They were kids some as young as 18 years old running into battle seeing their friends shot and killed right next to them. How do we honor them all in today’s world? As they fought for all of us that are alive today. No matter what side, what country… it was war. All the privileges we have, the freedoms, the petty little things we bitch about… all seem very small if we stop to think about it. But we should all take a moment to honor in our thoughts and give them thanks for the sacrifices they made to try and make this world better in their opinions, in their own ways…
I got up this morning and thought yeah no not going to write about this… then I found one of the soldiers I had painted and finished on the floor and apart. No clue how it wound up on the floor as it was in a spot the cats could not reach, simply was. Made me look all over as well for all the parts so much so I laughed out loud and asked my Grandfather f he had to make it so difficult for me to reach all the pieces scattered on the floor… I got it is important. All of it, the history, the things we are shown when we are young, our Elders who are walking, breathing history nooks. Engage with them, talk with them, ask them what life was like. Put your cell phones down and listen to what they offer you, watch what they teach us through walking with them in their lives.
Go online or better yet go to a local hobby store and buy a model … put one together with a child and teach them what the story is behind the kit. Doesn’t matter if it is Batman or the Creature from the Black Lagoon, a Mustang or a Corvette, a plane or a boat, better yet get a train and build a town. Teach them history, imagination and art. I guarantee it is time well spent.
Thank You Grandpa for stopping in and giving me a Spiritual hug I needed, I love you to the Moon!
Blessings to you All,
bear Medicinewalker
Music provided by Chris Ferree and is available at and is part of theWolfandthebearNetwork@2020