Spiritual And Birth Totem for This Time Period the Snow Goose

Time to look at the teaching of the Medicine Wheel. I have been asked over and over about them, so as I have been taught I will now share those teachings with you. Please know that there are various interpretations of the teachings, but what I share is what I have been taught by my Teachers and my Elders over the years. So let us enter  this journey today in the time of the Snow Goose, the Time of Renewal as it sits on the Top of the Medicine Wheel beginning December 22nd  through January 19th.

Being born at this time puts you into the Time of Renewal  with the main influencing wind being the North Winds! The Totem that walks with this birth sign is that of the Buffalo, it rests within the Turtle Clan. The polarity totem that shares balance for the Snow Goose is the Woodpecker.

The Plant Totem for Snow Goose is Bramble. also known as “Blackberry” This is commonly used by the native people in healing work by helping deal with cholic, diarrhea in tea forms and berry form, and also the leaves are used to assist with bleeding gums. This bush also has thorns for protection and yet represents also the renewal and transforming aspects of the Snow Goose People. It represents Courage, Inspiration and Persistence assisting with them getting what needs to get done taken care of. It also blends well with the Earth aspect of this totem.

The Mineral/Crystal is Peridot. This is a stone thought to be sent directly by the Ancestors and the Creator as it sparkles and has a heavenly radiance that helps with clarity of thoughts. It assists with the Spiritual side of things as well and adding strength when needed.

The Snow Goose Affinity color is White. White is the reflection of all other colors. It also in this case represents psychic energies. It represents the Snow Goose Peoples pure intent and the fact they simply do what they say they will, without a second thought.

Elements that influence the Snow Goose as born to the Time of Renewal are that of both Earth and Air
air is strongly associated with our minds, thought patterns and new ideas. this assists Snow Goose people to achieve their dreams and goals by transforming their creativity, their ideas into reality. The Element of Earth continues to ground and help balance them and also cause almost a pattern of predictability and dependability. Making them stable and conscientious people.

Snow Goose People are hard workers that when in that mode do not like to be disturbed. They are mostly healthy except have tendencies to have knee and spinal problems and arthritis. You will find that they do not go down easily however when suffering form these ailments, and often will be found pushing through the pain and getting it done, long after others would have stopped.

Relationship compatibilities are best with those born under the signs of the Beaver, Brown Bears or that of the Raven.

Their Life Path is all about Adaptation and Completion; to complete and develop new things, new ways of doing things.

Being of the Turtle Clan they are born into and effected by the Earth’s stability. Word and Deed represent the same to people of this clan, so they are dependable, reliable and can become extremely agitated when things do not get done what had been promised. They are most often extremely self sacrificing once they decide the path they will walk.

Snow Goose people are people that are practical and ambitious. They like being around people but rarely allow people to get to close. They hold fear that if they allow people in too far they will be emotionally hurt. If they do and it occurs, they will find it difficult to allow anyone else in and often keep more to themselves.

Best times of the year for people born to the Sign of the Snow Goose are from December 22 to the 19th of January, April 20th through May 20th and august 22 through September 21st.

The strongest day of the week when they can accomplish much is Saturday.

Best times of the day to accomplish things are 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.


Hope you enjoy the insight and it is helpful within your daily life!


~ bear Medicinewalker

“Discovering Years” from Pathway to Destiny: Songs of Healing and Contemplation by Louie Gonnie. Available at http://www.canyonrecords.com

One Reply to “Spiritual And Birth Totem for This Time Period the Snow Goose”

  1. Thanks Bear! I was born January 17th, so this applies to me. You hit the nail on the head with this one as it describes me to a tee. Blessings to you and yours.

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