The Lizard steps into the 7th space today to tell us to simply try and blend in! Life will be a bit chaotic around all of us so rather than engage in the chaos, spend some time with self… nurturing your soul and taking a breather.
If you are at work Lizard suggests that we all try not to engage in the drama that may occur around us. Blend in…Blend in…Blend in… and life will be much simpler. Focus on the tasks at hand. Or better yet go off to a quiet corner on your lunch our and catch up on a great book, take a walk outside to enjoy the day… but do it within your own comfortable confines and boundaries that you set up.
Lizard steps up to share with us that we may be repeating old cycles, recreating things because we have been doing them so long, it feels more natural that stepping into something new or opening the doors to something that is unknown. It tells us although we are able to face our fears, we often do not want to deal with them.
Lizard also shares truths about “EGO”, that often as human we are ruled by it. So what may be needed at the moment is to take a step back and let out hearts take over. Our “EGO” is often all to ready to step in and rule, so take time to really look deep within what is resonating with our hearts before making decisions or saying something we may regret.
Lizard shares that we are able to use all our “senses” as they were given to us at birth, rely on them, hone them and watch for situations that may not serve us and then remove ourselves from them or to step into the positive ones we need to move with. It is time to awaken what lies beneath, the unconscious mind that has been hiding things we have not wanted to deal with.
Lizard will allow us to move them to the forefront so we can process through them and get rid of what is no longer needed and place us back to reality. We are all human, we are all flawed and the Lizard teaches us it is ok to be this way. Release as they release a tail, what needs to be let go, then move ahead and regrow in more positive ways.
“I am Dedicated to Educating and sharing Culture with the World. It is not enough merely to teach the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories… WE All need to become pro active in saving our planet, the creatures that live upon it, and each other!”
Many Blessings of the Day
~bear Medicinewalker
Simon and Garfunkel the 59th street bridge song used as artistic commons and can be purchased at Itunes