Spiritual and Totem Insights for the Day the Puffin

So today the Puffin sticks it’s brightly colored head into focus to tell us to be mindful of our relationships with ourselves and others. It’s all about remembering to balance ourselves, not jumping to conclusions prior to viewing and listening to the entire story. Today is all about empowering ourselves to do the right thing, take time for self to balance, heal in order to move ahead in life by taking positive steps.

So today try and stay focused on the important aspects of your life and don’t focus on the small things… see the light through the darkness!

Puffins are at home in the water, a little unbalanced as they maneuver on land or try to fly. Being out of their comfort zone of water they show how it is difficult to sometimes balance situations and self as we come head to head with lifes challenges. When Puffins shows up it means it is a time of self refection and prayer…meditations. They are amazing creatures that can share with us lessons to be more insightful with ourselves, children and other relationships we may have.

Because of how Puffins raise their young they teach us about how to understand what we may see as parental abandonment may simply mean we need to strengthen our own abilities without using a crutch of sorts. They teach us about lifetime commitments and responsibilities, and they teach us to see the light through the darkness. Puffins usually leave their young to dive off the rocks and into the ocean for food. They teach us about parenthood and assisting our children with the skills they will need as they grow and become adults.

May your day be as amazing as you all are!
Blessings to you all…
~ bear Medicinewalker

Music by Chris Ferree and available at http://www.ChrisFerree.com


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