Spiritual and Totem Insights for Today – Grandfather Sun

Today Grandfather Sun has an important reminder for us all… we need to take time to allow good things to grow, have patience even when we do not understand what is happening or why. There is always a Universal plan in place. Take pause to feel the breeze on your skin, look to the sky and understand even though you may not see the Sun he is still there. Just like answers we are searching for… we may not see them right away, but they are there.

Having Faith in the Universe sometimes isn’t as hard as having Faith in one’s self. So remember we are all worthy, we all have abilities, we all have time to make right choices, we all can give and feel compassion, respect and use events in our lives as teaching moments. So stop and take a breath, and then be a positive in a rather negative world.

Grandfather Suns’ healing rays can gently warm our sore muscles and bones, reminding us to be grateful for the miracles of life… or it can be brutal and harsh showing us that we must care responsibly for life itself. Careful to shield ourselves from negatives of the world around us. Whatever the case may be as we continue our daily walks… take a moment to rejoice and soak up some energy today … as Grandfather shouts to us, “Hoka Hey Life is Good… Life is Sacred!”

Grandfather Sun is very important to all of us. The sun has been looked upon as the giver of light, heat, welcomed by the crops that are planted and all of the Plant People and bring about growth. The rays of the sun also represent the cardinal directions, North, South, East and West..

So as it enters our space here today and in days to come, Grandfather Sun brings with him the Creator’s Healing Grace. He shines and sends shadows and negativity away. The warmth it provides us is like a mother’s hug wrapping around us to say everything is gonna be alright.

Today have a bit of faith, open your hearts to experience the good in the world and let the shadows of negativity dissipate from the light of your soul. Feel what is strong and powerful in your selves and let that positive shine for the world to see. Allow your growth to continue, experience the strength from within that we all have, that although it may be being tested at the moment, still has what is needed to get through it all.

Breathe and feel his fingers upon your faces as Grandfather Sun freely gives us the power he provides unconditionally. Enjoy your day and don’t let dark clouds detour you from your goals!


I am bear Medicinewalker and I am dedicated to Educating and sharing the lessons, teachings and culture I have been taught by my Elders and journey with the World. It is not enough merely to learn the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…”

Blessings to you All

~ bear Medicinewalker


“SKYWALKERS” by Chris Ferree available on I tunes and at http://chrisferree.com

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