Spiritual and Totem Insights for the Day the Scarab

Today the Scarab tells us to dig a little deeper…push a little harder and get it done. Perhaps the day will be filled with introspect… perhaps it is needed to understand self and what we need to discard in order to move forward and let positives in. Whatever it may be, honor the process and understand the reasons behind it all.

Sometimes we hold on to the pain and memories because it is how we have put ourselves into a cycle… a cycle of negatives and things that will continue to take a toll on us. So Scarab reminds us that the lesson is long gone, the people that may have affected us in negative ways are in need of removal, the toxic stuff that eats away at our true self needs to be flushed from our system. So understand says the Scarab that we ARE Strong enough to get it done we simply have to believe it and do it.

Scarab also reminds us we often do not like change even if it is from something we are seemingly stuck in …cycling continuously through… because we are comfortable there even if it isn’t a healthy place to be in, it’s better to us than our fears of the unknown step or place, or so we make it seem. ut today is the day we need to stop putting off moving to a healthier space… today is the day we embrace the changes… cause whether we know it or not, change is constant even if we do not recognize it. So dig deep and get it done!

There are aspects of change that are being pushed at you that are not necessarily about you and what is right for you. Look at the situation from all angles and look towards a compromise that works for all involved. The main issue is more than likely something that is ongoing and/or unresolved with family or friends that will require you to be part of even though you are in the background of things. You will act as a grounding influence. Remove yourself from the drama but instill yourself where needed.

The Scarab also brings you information of positive outcomes in your life for situations that may be present at the moment,. Stand your ground and soon all will be resolved with a positive and higher purpose.

So today I call to the Sacred Winds to carry our prayers, our thoughts, our needs …to Creator God and the Ancestors
To help us to walk in more positive manners,
Reaching to Embrace the Unconditional and knowing that we all are no better than or less than one another.
To be able to have strength of character in order to release aspects of our lives in order to allow new things to be given birth and grow.
So it is Said…So May It be So

Blessings to All
~ bear Medicinewalker


Earth Dance from Chris Ferree and available at http://chrisferree.com/id18.html part of the Wolf and the bear Network and used with permission @2108


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