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Spiritual and Totem Insights for the Day Honey Bee

So the Honey Bee stops in today sharing with us it is time to gather all the positive things that we have manifested today! We have worked hard to get here and today the energy has shifted a bit to allow us to push through and motion ahead! It is a good day to do what we may have been putting off due to the craziness of the energy that has been in recent days.

So Honey Bee says step it up and take advantage of it, get out and spend time with friends and family, talk through things were there have been issues, make headway on a new idea or complete things that you have been putting off. In other words, be as busy as a Honey Bee today!

The Honey Bee serves a very specific purpose in life, it’s job is to pollinate plants and collect nectar to make Honey. It is what drives the continued life cycle of all the plants we see and use in our daily lives. It has been said that Bees are so important to our ecosystem that if they become extinct, humans would cease to exist as well soon afterward.

Honey Bee reminds us to continue to be (no pun intended) productive in our lives while at the same time remembering to enjoy the results of all our hard work. Bees should not be able to fly for their tiny bodies are not designed aerodynamically, yet they don’t dwell on it rather they just DO. Bees also teach us about community. As they move from plant to plant, they help to continue the life cycle.

Honey Bee teaches balance with our lives, even though they are amazing workers; they also slow down to enjoy life. Reminding us that otherwise life’s purpose holds no meaning.

“Across the country and the world, many pollinators are in decline or at risk of extinction. It’s a serious issue because forests, prairies, meadows, wetlands, seashores and croplands all depend on a diverse and healthy pollinator community to thrive. Globally, nearly 85 percent of all flowering plants require help from animals to produce seeds and fruit. Without them, neither humans nor wildlife would have as much to eat and as a result the planet’s biodiversity would plummet.” ~ Gene Brandi, Bee Keeper

We need to be mindful of the Bee’s and assist them in thriving and continuing their work. We need to plant gardens, flowers that will assist the process for all the Creatures of the Great Mother Earth. WE need to become the Caretakers we are meant to be, and stop destroying the very ground we live upon.


I am Dedicated to Educating and sharing culture with the World. It is not enough merely to teach the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…
Many Blessings to you All

~ bear Medicinewalker

Music provided by Chris Ferree and available at  as part of the Wolf and the bear Network @2018

Don’t forget to check out Spiritual Paranormal each week. Come sit with myself and the best of the best in Research, Teaching, Discovery and Practitioners of the Day …

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