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Spiritual and Totem insights for the Day the Medicine Wheel

Today some very strong medicine jumps out at us in the spot of the 7th card… the Medicine Wheel speaks to us about the keeping and care of the Sacred Hoop. Both our personal one and the one of the World that surrounds us all. It is a universal symbol, that shares with us the natural order of things, not only the cycles that we travel through as we walk the human, but the way all things change and evolve alongside us.

Today the Medicine Wheel speaks of time for a clearing of things within and on the outside of our Circles… much like a fall clean up so we are able to move into the new things presenting themselves in a more positive and accepting way. It is time to set ourselves to balance once again as it seems as though the energy has been opposing this in our lives continuously lately hammering at us with negatives to keep us disoriented and unsure of things. It is the way of the world at the moment…but it certainly is a choice to balance or not. The Medicine Wheel calls for us to honor the teachings of the Seven Grandfathers… Truth… Love… Wisdom… Honesty…Respect…Courage…Humility… to embrace who we are meant to be in balance and goodness.

Whether it be the Winged Ones, the Four Leggeds, the Plant People, the Crystal and Rock Keepers, the Swimmers or Creepers we all evolve together in the harmony that we were born to. The four lines in the Wheel speak to us of the four directions, the four colors to the cultures and the four parts of our human, the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual being. To understand the Medicine Wheel is to understand self.

This is what we need to understand, that the strengths, the creative, the spiritual, the faults, the imperfections all lie with in each of us. They are all part of who we are, constantly evolving. As a wheel is circular and continues in a constant state of birth to death constantly moving through change, so are we. To understand that about ourselves is how we are to attain balance.

To understand that we are All Connected, that we All Imprint on the world, the energy that we exist in is to understand the nature of how things co-exist. That there has to be opposites for balance…light and dark. rain and heat, night and day, birth and death… All a intricate part of the Human experience.

Ask yourself what is it that you need to day to add to the positives in your own life, what is it you need in order to set your mind to in order to keep the negative at bay? So today, look to yourself and think about how each word, each action, each breath you take is part of a bigger Hoop, then think what it is You need to do to put your own Sacred Hoop into a place of balance with all that is Sacred honoring who you are meant to be.

I am bear Medicinewalker and I am dedicated to Educating and sharing the lessons, teachings and culture I have been taught by my Elders and journey with the World. It is not enough merely to learn the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…”

Music provided by Chris Ferree and available at  as part of the Wolf and the bear Network @2018


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