Spiritual and Totem Insights for the Day…. Sacred Sweetgrass

So today in the seventh spot Sacred Sweetgrass shows itself to remind us to not only stay positive in our day… but to draw positives to us! Yes we can do that, by clearing things that no longer serve us, but making sure that our imprint on the world is a positive one by staying away from things that are not serving the highest good within our lives. That also means we need to break away and change cycles that are not working for us by recognizing that we have the ability to change them if we choose so. Everything is a choice so why not choose the better way!

Sweetgrass reminds us that life isn’t always easy but the journey is what needs to be cleared and understood. Often we want to do, say things that may feel the easiest even when we know deep down…it simply is not right. So listen to that little voice and do/say things the right way thus attracting better and more helpful energies to you! Think It… Say It….Create It… Manifest It… and then allow all of this to fill your life not only with Positives but joy!

Associated with the element of Air. The botanical name for Sweetgrass is Heirochloe odorata, currently growing mainly in the plains across the United States and on up into Canada. The plant can induce a soporific effect and have been used in meditation and shamanistic rituals with the belief that it has some mild psychotropic properties.

Native People believe that Sweetgrass is the first plant that covered the Great Mother Earth. It is viewed as Sacred often using this plant for religious purposes such as making incense and calling spirits as well as to aid us during fasting. Drawing in positive vibrational energy along with purification it drives away the negative spirits and energies while the sweetness draws in the positive energies and spirits to assist us and guide us in the right ways.

When we use Sweetgrass for smudging drawing in positive energies it changes the energy of one’s space and being. Traditionally you will see the Sweetgrass twisted into braids commercially, and sometimes in smudge packages…I have braids in the rooms of my home and among my sacred objects.  I often add clippings into my own smudge mixture with the White Sage, for it adds purification to the intention and space.

Sweetgrass can instantly change the energy surrounding one’s physical body and environment while improving our emotional state, bringing it to a renewed perspective. It draws the feelings of abundance and uplifts our spirits as it invades our senses. It also provides a positive energy to our auric fields and is useful as we perform energy work or healing practices. Used when you need to balance or are in need of comfort, it will bring calmness and peace to your thoughts. I have found it to immediately give me a sense of empowerment, of clarity, and the ability to refocus my thoughts in order to gain a better perspective from a more positive place.

“I am Dedicated to Educating and sharing Culture with the World. It is not enough merely to teach the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…”
Many Blessings of the Day
~bear Medicinewalker

Earth Dance by Chris Ferree  as part of the Wolf and the bear Network and is available at http://www.chrisferree.com   

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