Spiritual and Totem Insights of the Day Grandmother Moon

So not a huge surprise that Grandmother Moon steps in today sharing with us to be mindful as to how we walk through our days in the week ahead! The energies are building for the Eclipse and Full Moon towards the end of this week and are capable of causing people to react in many ways. THis could be positive or negative, as some will not know how to balance it all. They will be feeling a bit overwhelmed if they do not understand what is occurring.

Grandmother Moon wants us ALL to remember that this can also work to our advantage if we simply slow our thoughts and harness the energy to help continue to move us forward to meet our goals. We are now also moving in a Retrograde… yeah us!… but it is what I like to call the triple threat… or in more positive terms the Trifecta, and it is up to us to choose how it will effect us, in a negative way or as I prefer to choose a more positive way.

Grandmother Moon is offering her energy so we are able to manifest the things we most need and want in our lives. Just remember to thank her as you work with her. This will be a powerful week so also remind yourselves to put those crystals, Rocks and Gems outside allowing them to soak all that energy up. Help to make your life magical, learn to work with the energies that present and you will gain powerful tools to add to the proverbial tool kits we each have within.

Grandmother Moon setting high in Father Sky’s grasp gazing at us with loving eyes as she light shimmers blessings down upon us. With the energy that has been in the air recently and the seemingly thinning of the great Veil between worlds at the moment, how fitting that she comes to shed some insight with us this day!

Grandmother  Moon shares with us a reminder that we should appreciate and protect our knowledge, and to understand that the answers we may seek are not always meant to be easily revealed to us. We must at times show more patience to circumstance, to look in to the shadows in order to understand and attain balance.

Grandmother  Moon also tells us to respect our Great Mother and all that dwells on her surface, not only the Human factors but all the Creatures, the Rock and Crystal People, the Plants and Elementals that live among us and to look closer at things we do not understand, for as light moves over us/it all …circumstance and things look differently. Remember to see with clear eyes all sides of the issues and life in order to attain a fuller understanding of what it is we need to move forward in positives.

Feel the blessings and energy that Grandmother  Moon sends to us and embrace it instead of fighting it. Learn to move like the tides adjusting and adapting to her Grace and Power


I am dedicated to Educating and sharing the lessons, teachings and culture I have been taught by my Elders and journey with the World. It is not enough merely to learn the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…

Blessings to you All,

bear Medicinewalker

“Fourth Wind” from Wind Dance Under the Moon by David Rose. Released: 2013 available on Itunes Used from the Wolf and the bear Network archives @2018

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