Spiritual and Totem Insights for the Day…Bear

Bear…Bear…Bearsays today is all about tying up the loose ends so that we can move forward without a hitch! Endings so that the new beginnings can start with a clean slate. Time to let all that crap we have been dragging along with us go, it’s only emotional baggage that we have not allowed ourselves to process instead feeding the fear that if we do let it go, we will be lost. SO UNTRUE! Honor the process…honor what got us to the point today and understand it will always be a part of us, but that it does not define us nor does it serve us anymore. Can’t change yesterday… can simply use it as a lesson to change today and tomorrow.

Not sure about You All, but I rather be like a bear rolling in the grass smiling up at the sunshine as it kisses my skin than be in a dark cave somewhere mulling over and stewing about things that are seriously not really relevant in the moment. So Bear says BREATHE in the newness of the world that is now. Embrace the Moment and allow it to fill your soul with positives and adventure. Let your Creative side flow… let your Inner Child come out and play!

Bear shares to Be in the Moment….!!!

Bear is all about fertility (creative and manifestation), instinct, protection and solitude. Those that walk with Bear are often somewhat reclusive requiring a great deal of personal space to renew and create. Bear people will often “disconnect” for awhile as they pursue projects becoming deeply involved in what they are working on. Deeply protective and territorial, Bear also is extremely loyal and dependable.

Bear teaches us when healing of any sort is needed to use that time for introspective work in order to grow Spiritually, Emotionally, Mentally and find answers to problems within yourself. Travel deep into your soul find the purpose in your own path and journey and walk ahead in positive steps.

Bear shares with us that in this time hibernation is not only good but needed, yet respect our natural hibernation cycle and remember to reawaken in the spring, in doing so awaken the potential within ourselves and the power of our unconscious mind.

Bear teaches us there is a time for playfulness and a time to be assertive, and perhaps a time for both in balance.



“I am dedicated to educating and sharing culture with the World. It is not enough merely to teach the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…”

Many Blessings to You ALL
~bear Medicinewalker


Music provided by Chris Ferree and available at http://www.chrisferree.com  as part of the Wolf and the bear Network 2018

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