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October 12, 2015 Totem Card of the Day – Dragonfly

card 28 Dragonfly 1122

Today is about the Magic that is all around us! but in order to see it, in order to experience it, we must understand that we must open to it! Once we do that we will see how limitless our dreams, desires, needs actually are and in order to do just that we must trust in the Creator, the Universe and mostly in ourselves! Have Faith in the fact that everything happens for a reason, that synchronicity to all that is Sacred occurs if we again allow it to deliver the positives to our lives.

We need to listen to the Whispers of Spirit as it guides us through the little obstacles of the day…fighting off the negativity that breeds and thrives in the world, trust that little inner voice, those small red flags that pop up. That all occurs for a reason, that reason is that the Ancestors, those that have walked before us, with us and beyond us are assisting us as we walk our human paths. Believe, Trust and have Faith that they are hearing your thoughts and prayers that you put out…. and pay attention to all creatures great and small, for they share the secrets of here and beyond with us as they go about their days… just simply open the door to the magic of it all!

Dragonfly is all about transformation and adaptability. It is messenger of the in between, of here and there and everywhere at the same time. It is beyond time, before time. It is about darkness to light and back again.

Dragonfly tells us that everything is in a cycle, so remember and allow more joy to fill your soul. To help you understand that all things are as they should be, and that life itself is magical beyond belief. For our souls do not hold form, and our human self just helps them to experience our earth walks before continuing to the next part of our journeys.

Dragonflies begin their lives in water and then as they grow they move into the air learning to fly. It teaches us to balance the present time and accept it so we may once again move forward, listening as Spirit shares with us all the secrets of here and beyond.

Mitakuye O`yasin
bear Medicinewalker

“Orange Dragonflies” by Jonny Lipford available at

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