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September 14, 2015 Card of the Day – Seahorse

card 34 b seahorse2

Nurturing… the first thing that shouted at me this morning is a sense of nurturing and duty. The Seahorse is so delicate and yet so fierce with its protection and care of its family and young. So Today they are shouting to nurture yourselves and be fierce in the way you walk through the hours and moments of your day… surrender to the flow that carries you to the new and amazing places in life, but as you do…make sure you are mindful of those little places that we can get stuck in if we are not careful. It is time to be both Sensitive to needs of self and others, yet at the same time show strength in how you participate in life by making positive motions that take care of the framework of our souls.

Happy Monday Ya’ll!

Card of the Day – Seahorse

Seahorse brings for us lessons in persistence as we move towards our goals. Leave our stubbornness at the door and all things will move much smoother with our inner circles. It is time to take a closer look at things and get a fresh view of all things in your Sacred Hoop, physically, emotionally, spiritually for something has been out of balance and it is time to reset with purpose and unconditional.

Seahorse also speaks of serving others and caring for their needs, but while we are in that role we must not forget to nurture self as well. Slow down and do not over exert yourself for that will not assist in anything or anyone if you are too tired and/or worn out. Our purpose is not to serve others and loose ourselves in the process; it is about the Sacred balance.

Life is all about perspective and we must remember to approach with open eyes, mind and soul to stay balanced within the positives. Seahorses teach us how to move in and out of situations seamlessly, teaching us how to move through the currents of life and emotion and stay in a healthy state while doing so.

Be Bold! Adapt when the situation calls for it! Be colorful and enjoy Life! most importantly allow your souls to flow with the energy and waves of life around you allowing it to feed your spirit!

Mitakuye O`yasin
~ bear Medicinewalker

“Odyssey” written and performed by Jonny Lipford available at

#bearMedicinewalker #theSacredHoopProject #MitakuyeOyasinDeck #theWolfandthebearNetwork

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