March 16, 2016 Insight for the Day – White Sage

White Sage clusters sub deck
White Sage who’s scientific name Salvia Apiana comes from the Latin root salvare, meaning “To Heal” therefor many use it when offering it up in prayer as well as using White Sage for medicinal purposes. The plant itself is actually a member of the mint family. Found mostly in the northwestern Mexico and southwestern United States and more commonly found on the coast of Baja and Southern California on the west border of the Sonoran and Mojave deserts. It is said that the White Sage cleanses negative energies and evil spirits that may linger.

Today’s card White Sage falls to the table and speaks all about the Sacred Within each of us! Today we need to take the time to honor that and all that is Sacred in and around our lives. Time to recognize it and send thanks and gratitude up to the Creator and Ancestors, keeping us strong of mind, heart, body and keeping our intents positive.

It is simply time to change the path of the negatives that surround us in the world today by shielding ourselves with positives! Sometimes we need to look deep within ourselves to see the destructive cycles that we have placed ourselves in most of the time without even realizing it, and then set about releasing them. Thus changing our very thought patterns. Learn to look in the mirror and see the reflection understanding that we are in deed human and have flaws. But that those flaws do not mean we are unlovable, incapable, unwanted, rather they mean we have opportunity to grow, to expand to better ourselves, and heal.

So today begin by giving yourself the love you deserve… Self Love. All the time understanding and knowing that the Creator and the Ancestors that walked before us support and assist us if we are open to it. We simply have to believe and have faith. Life does not work by pushing the “Easy” button… it is all about the journey and the process we go through to make us whole, balanced and walking in positives.

Honor your family, your friends, all people and creatures that have walked with you and that have yet to enter your path. Honor your Guides, the Spirit that assist you each day. Honor the Elementals, the Directions, the Great Mother Earth and Father Sky. Honor Grandmother Moon and Grandfather Sun….This is what the Sacred Sage reminds us of, this is the tone it sets for us to follow.  Remember it is not owned by anyone, it is one of the Great Mother Earth’s many gifts to us and it is up to all of us to keep all that is Sacred safe and thriving.

One of the most Sacred of herbs among many cultures and people, White Sage assists in clearing our energy fields, driving out the negative and strengthening the positives. Sage is held Sacred because of it’s effective purifying energies. It heals by bringing us back to balance cleansing the body and mind of negative spirits and impurities. Leaves are at times burned to drive away bad spirits, evil influences, bad dreams, bad thoughts, and illness.

Add some White Sage to your healing and prayer rituals and put yourself on a path to balance and honoring the Sacred Within!

“I am Dedicated to Educating and sharing Native Cultures with the World. It is not enough merely to teach the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…”
Mitakuye O’yasin
~bear Medicinewalker

bear dec 2015

“Join Me as I continue the Sacred Hoop Project into this Year 2016…the Year of Truths!”

Swirling Smoke [The Spoken Word Mix]” from Pathway to Destiny: Songs of Healing and Contemplation by Louie Gonnie. Released: 2012. Available at

November 5, 2015 Totem Card of the Day – White Sage

White Sage clusters sub deck

Today’s card White Sage falls to the table and speaks all about the Sacred Within each of us! Today we need to take the time to honor that and all that is Sacred in and around our lives. Time to recognize it and send thanks and gratitude up to the Creator and Ancestors, keeping us strong of mind, heart, body and keeping our intents positive.

It is simply time to change the path of the negatives that surround us in the world today by shielding ourselves with positives! Sometimes we need to look deep within ourselves to see the destructive cycles that we have placed ourselves in most of the time without even realizing it, and then set about releasing them. Thus changing our very thought patterns. Learn to look in the mirror and see the reflection understanding that we are in deed human and have flaws. But that those flaws do not mean we are unlovable, incapable, unwanted, rather they mean we have opportunity to grow, to expand to better ourselves, and heal.

So today begin by giving yourself the love you deserve… Self Love. All the time understanding and knowing that the Creator and the Ancestors that walked before us support and assist us if we are open to it. We simply have to believe and have faith. Life does not work by pushing the “Easy” button… it is all about the journey and the process we go through to make us whole, balanced and walking the “Good Red Road” or whatever color you wish to paint it. For no matter how someone spins it, We Are All Related.

Honor your family, your friends, all people and creatures that have walked with you and that have yet to enter your path. Honor your Guides, the Spirit that assist you each day. Honor the Elementals, the Directions, the Great Mother Earth and Father Sky. Honor Grandmother Moon and Grandfather Sun….This is what the Sacred Sage reminds us of, this is the tone it sets for us to follow.

One of the most Sacred of herbs among many cultures and people, White Sage assists in clearing our energy fields, driving out the negative and strengthening the positives. Sage is held Sacred because of it’s effective purifying energies. It heals by bringing us back to balance cleansing the body and mind of negative spirits and impurities. Leaves are at times burned to drive away bad spirits, evil influences, bad dreams, bad thoughts, and illness.

The botanical word for sage, Salvia, actually comes from the Latin word, meaning “to heal,” so add White Sage to your healing and prayer rituals and put yourself on a path to balance and honoring the Sacred Within!

Mitakuye O’yasin,

bear Medicinewalker


(this is a card from the new subdeck of Mitakuye O’yasin “We Are All Related” Totem Deck and will be available soon)





Swirling Smoke [The Spoken Word Mix]” from Pathway to Destiny: Songs of Healing and Contemplation by Louie Gonnie. Released: 2012. Available at

Sacred Plant Medicines as shared by bear Medicinewalker

Sacred Plant Medicines as shared by bear Medicinewalker

If you would take a moment to stop and just think a second to realize how plants interact with all of our lives. They hold deep within them and are often willing to share knowledge with us easily and quickly, at other times not so much. They are around us and vibrantly position themselves within our human world to give and give whatever it is we need.

Think about it, there is a plant that holds every cure, every need for us humans on the planet, we only need to appreciate that … stop destroying the forests and trees … and embrace the idea of it.

Walk the world we live in and understand that there are plants that share themselves in order for us to use their smoke for prayers and cleansing. This is part of our Sacred Spiritual Walks. I am asked all the time about rituals and ceremony, yet people do not open to what is already in place, the steps that we need to follow to honor and respect what has been shared with us by the Great Mother Earth.

When we burn some of these plants the aroma produced will assist us to travel to a different state of mind and allowing us to enter into a deeper part of our souls. The very scents they share can inspire and awaken us to help guide us as we walk the human. Smudging with sacred sage and herbs as well as smoking sacred tobacco are two of the ways I implement and honor the plant world in my own walk. We use smudging to remove negative energy to bring rise to visions, clearing sacred space and opening our soul so that we are open to knowledge that the Ancestors wish to share and the healing energies we call for to be used for positives as we journey upon this world. It is best to smudge after sessions of healing work when we come in contact with any negative energy, removing any negative energy that may hang on or linger. This is much like disinfecting a room or place after an illness.

Tobacco is used for the rising smoke from our pipes to carry Prayers to the Ancestors and the Creator, also for honoring events in our lives and placing them in prayer ties, a pinch for a prayer or offering for a soul that is transitioning or traveling, including the many creatures we may come across that have passed.

Plants and herbs are found on all continents, the being in the types of plants and herbs that grow and are found to be indigenous in the various regions. All of Creation is sacred and has purpose. Using what is shared with us by the Plant People and the Creature world and using them with positive purpose is to honor and respect their life. All of the Plant People carry their own medicine which they happily share with us if we will but listen.

If they decide that they will work with you, they will share all about themselves, what their uses are and how to use them in positive ways that will not only help yourself but others as well. The Plant People hold the knowledge of the cures for disease. The more that are destroyed on the planet, the more information to that knowledge slips out of our reach.

Remember to always thank the plant that has honored you with its medicine by leaving an offering of tobacco anytime you take something from the natural world. This will acknowledge to the Plant People, the Ancestors and the Creator that you are indeed sincere about the use and knowledge that you seek from them and that you are working with them for spiritual purposes.

The Creator has put all we need to survive and walk our paths here on this planet, so we need to recognize that nature is also living sacred beings. Show gentleness, be respectful, and honor all life as Sacred. There is a Native tradition that I honor of walking by seven plants before picking anything. In this way, we leave enough for the next 7 generations, also by replanting what you have picked to ensure that tradition.

The four sacred herbs represent the Four Directions they are: Cedar, Sage, Tobacco, and Sweet grass. They are used in smudging, cleansing, and for prayers to connect us with our Spiritual selves. Each contain and share their own medicines.

Sweet grass is the sacred herb of the North, a purifying herb used to cleanse the mind, body, and spirit.

Cedar is the sacred herb of the South; it purifies as well as pulls positive energy into your sacred space.

Tobacco is the sacred herb of the East, the direction of Grandfather Sun, Eagle, and the Creator. We send our prayers up in its smoke, and Eagle takes them to the Creator.

Sage is the sacred herb of the West, used in smudging to purify, and to send prayers to the Creator.

At times we will be called to use specific herbs or plants, and when this happens, we must honor that request, for the plant is speaking to us for a reason, and it usually refers to what we are experiencing in our journey at that time.

Mitakuye O`yasin
~ bear Medicinewalker

Canyon Records present Louie Gonnie “Pathways to Destiny”

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