December 4, 2015 Totem Card of the Day – Jaguar

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The Jaguar steps up with all the strength and old wisdom it carries and says today it is time for people to start owning their own stuff, stop putting off onto others what you should be doing yourself… More importantly stop enabling others who are not doing what they need to do. We all have them in our lives at some point, the people who just don’t step into who and what they are or need to be. But we have to remember doing for them is not what is meant to happen…how will they ever learn responsibility and balance their own lives ni a healthy productive manner if we are continuously stepping in. Like a child learning to walk, or a person learning to ride a horse…falling is part of the experience…once you overcome that obstacle you are stronger because of it. This may sound harsh, but it is probably the most loving and helpful thing you can do for another and yourself. How do we learn except by doing?

It is time to draw from that inner place of knowledge and encourage others to be who they need to be without doing the work for them. Often times we as human get stuck in cycles, sometimes those cycles begin to define who we are and if we do not get the opportunity to change the cycle, reset the path and right it… and then the soul winds up not reaching its full potential. Life isn’t always easy, sometimes we stumble and then we learn to stand up and begin again in more positive steps. Yet we will never do this if we do not try. So today …help someone to try to become the most positive they can be… allow them room to become and grow, balancing their own in the process.

Jaguar/Black Panther comes in to ease burdens of the negative side of our human nature. He will not tolerate poor behavior against humans, creatures, or the great Mother Earth, the Jaguar Medicine is very strong and very ancient. For those that walk with high integrity and honor the Sacred, he will bestow rewards of insights and old knowledge in order to assist us as we walk with positive steps. Jaguar/Black Panther speaks to us of always walking in a way that is with highest intent for good, that we need to remember compassion, dignity, respect and gratitude, to walk strong with resolve, no matter what surrounds the outside of our Sacred Hoop.

Mistakes can occur, but they are but lessons for us to learn and then with that knowledge help us to attain balance once again… remain humble. It shares Ying and Yang…and in understanding this that power is not aggressiveness, but rather the ability to control what kind of strength is needed in situations. They teach us to hear the unheard, to listen with our soul to other dimensions; to life around us for it all has voice. It is here to teach and share knowledge of old, so remain open to it. It teaches us to walk under the dark of Grandmother Moon sensing the life and energy that flows and then balancing it with the light from Father Sun.

Balance and Own Your Own Power….


“I am Dedicated to Educating and sharing the Native culture with the World. It is not enough merely to teach the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…”
Mitakuye O’yasin
~bear Medicinewalker

bear dec 2015



“When Is Enough Enough” from No Static by Kellin Watson. Released: 2007.  Available on I tunes and at

October 14, 2015 Totem Card of the Day – Siamese Fighting Fish

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So today is about taking a deep breath and setting Ego’s aside. Time to listen to that little voice inside that keeps yelling at us all. Think of the old cartoons of the little Angle sitting on one shoulder, and the little devil sitting on the other and remember this word BALANCE.

It is important to understand dark and light and embrace all that resides within in order to find that perfect balance within our Sacred Hoops… our lives… we are human beings that are capable of amazing and wonderful things! However we have to learn to balance and understand that to everything there are two sides and then what lies in between…balance and truths.

So set aside the Egos…we are All no better than or less than… we are All part of the world we live in and imprint on life every moment of every day, so lets make them positive imprints!

The Siamese Fighting Fish or Betta is known for its splendor and color. They are associated with the Element of Air, which some may find as odd but they are lung breathers. So they bring and share with us that there are times in our lives that we simply need to stop and breathe. The Betta reminds us to not get into situations so deep that you forget the core of the issues. Swim and enjoy the flow of life.

Balance our masculine energy with our feminine side as does the Siamese Fighting Fish as it is the male that tends to the young and cares for the nest, defending and nurturing them. Remember to nurture the young spirit within our souls.

Siamese Fighting Fish teaches us how to be independent, to stand up for what we believe in, utilizing our intuitive nature that is strongest when we are associated and form relationships with the element of Water. The relationship with the spiritual and the ability to open and hear what is being shared through visions, dream state or clairaudience.

It also teaches us to keep our ego in check, never feel you are better than or less than another for the Universe will bring balance if you do not honor it on your own, so remember that We Are All Related yet unique and Sacred.

Mitakuye O’yasin
~ bear Medicinewalker

Join me for a little bit of “Swagger” from one of my favorite People Ms. Kellin Watson!
“Swagger” from Halo Of Blue by Kellin Watson available on Itunes and at

September 25, 2015 Card of the Day – Racoon

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Okay so it is time to take the mask off. Today it is about not hiding from yourself or others. Time to own it and take back your own power so to speak. WE need to stop letting others expectations of us take hold and stopping us from being who we really are. As individuals we must learn that we are all different and unique from each other, meaning we need to stop and figure out just what our souls are trying to say to us… and then listen to that voice and be the person we are meant to be. Not what someone else thinks we need to be, do, say, act… It’s about taking your voice, your spirit back and being in control of it, allowing the positives to push you through the muck and negatives.

If we stop and think about it, there are days it is hard enough to be us…let alone being someone that others want us to be. So step into you, reclaim you… revel in you… BE YOU… and stop walking on the eggshells that others place on your path.

Raccoon teaches us to re-connect with our inner warrior, to become both provider and protector for ourselves and possibly others within our Sacred Hoop. However while assisting others, Raccoon teaches us that we must in this process, learn to do this in a way that does not make those you are helping become dependent on your help.

When dealing with issues the Raccoon leaves no stone unturned. Patiently and diligently seek the solution by taking the time needed to observe the whole picture, both the seen and the unseen to find a positive solution.

Raccoon are also the masters of curiosity, adaptability, resourcefulness, masks or illusion. They also speak of hiding behind and not being open an honest with your self. Learn to be more open and accept the gifts being offered to you right now by the universe.

Be more versatile and watch for opportunity by being more aware of your surroundings and what is happening in and around your own Sacred Hoop. Raccoon teaches us that as human we wear many masks in life and sometimes feel the need to hide our true self as protection or to hide from the reality of a situation. Just remember it is okay to do that for a short time, but do not get lost behind that mask, for we all have purpose, we all have meaning in this walk we are on.

Mitakuye O’yasin
~ bear Medicinewalker

One of the Wolf and the bear Networks favorite and talented Ms. Kellin Watson performing “Your Place in This World” from her No Static CD available on Itunes!

#bearMedicinewalker #theSacredHoopProject #MitakuyeOyasinDeck #theWolfandthebearNetwork #KellinWatson

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